All of these are either Links to Websites or Links to Download a Document
Why Breastfeed
La Lactancia Materna (
Tips for Breastfeeding
Tip Sheets from Breastfeed LA (English and Espanol)
Global Health Media Videos on Breastfeeding. Topics include:
First Hours
Attaching (Latching)
Getting Enough Milk
Increasing Milk Supply
How to Express Milk
Storing Milk Safely
Breast Pain
Nipple Pain
Early Initiation
Helping a Breastfeeding Mother
Expressing and Storing Breastmilk
Hand Expression of Breast Milk (VIDEO)
Resources for African American Mothers
NICU-Specific Resources
Breastfeeding Your Premature Baby in the Hospital and at Home
Breast Milk is Best for Premature Babies
Making Breast Milk When Your Baby is Premature
Skin to Skin Care for Your Premature Baby
Breastfeeding a Baby with a Special Health Problem (
Making Milk for Your Baby / Produccion de leche para su bebe
Pumping at Home and Milk Storage / La extraccion de leche en casa
Holding Your Baby Skin-to-Skin / Sostenga a su bebe en brazos en contacto de piel a piel
Helping Your Baby Learn to Breastfeed / Ayudar a su bebe a aprender a amamantarse
UC San Diego Supporting Premature Infant Nutrition (videos - English and Spanish)
Mothers Own Milk in the NICU Educational Slides
Talking to Mothers and Families
Breastfeeding Patient Education Flip Chart (Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute)
Patient Education Flip Chart MOM in the NICU Slides (FPQC)
Dose Response Benefits of Breastfeeding (AAP Table)
Substances and Medications
MotherToBaby - Fact Sheets on Medications and Pregnancy/Breastfeeding (english/spanish)
LactMed: A New NLM Database on Drugs and Lactation
Be sure to check out the Florida Breastfeeding Coalition,Inc. for statewide news and events like the Business Case for Breastfeeding, Baby Steps Hospital Inititaive, Advocacy items and much much more...