Breastfeeding and Lactation Help


For the most accurate and up to date information--

we encourage you to visit Zip Milk to locate a

Breastfeeding Professional near you. 



If you are a provider, please visit Zip Milk and submit your information!


Infant Feeding During Emergencies

Donate Extra Milk Before a Storm Arrives 

The Mothers Milk Bank of Florida is a great resource on milk dontation. You can also look into Eats on Feets.

Be Prepared! Check Out the List from the CDC

Human milk is the best and safest food for your baby or young child. Keep giving breastfeeding or pumping. If you are pumping make sure to have a manual pump on hand.

Our YouTube Channel

We have short easy to follow emergency vidoes on our YouTube channel in English and Español. Share the links with your friends so they know too. 

Recursos en español

Gracias a @asi_iycf @ibclcpuertorico por este recurso tan valioso sobre la alimentación infantil durante emergencias. ¡Comparte para que nuestra comunidad tenga acceso a información confiable! #huracanmilton #iycfe #seguridadalimentaria #preparacion #importancialactancia #tbbreastfeeds

Infant Feeding Resources-

Educational Resources

<--- See left-hand sidebar for milk banking.


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© Tampa Bay Breastfeeding Task Force Inc.